mercredi 15 avril 2009

Le New South Wales.

Depuis un certains nombres de kilomètres, nous n’arrêtons pas de changer d’Etats. « Notre courant d’eau » se moque des frontières et notre route le suit gentiment. Mais à Partie de la ville d’Albury, on est pour de bon dans le New South Wales.

A Albury, on est au pied des montagnes australiennes ou la saison d’hivers se prépare. Ces dernières sont ridicules fasse au notre (la plus haute mesure 1400m), mais apparemment il y a assez de neige pour y pratiquer des sport de saison.

On ne va pas trainer dans le coin, on cannait déjà la région et on est pressé d’arriver dans le Queensland. Nos journées dans cette état se résume à prendre un petit déjeuné fasse à la mer ou quelques dauphins se donne en spectacle, nager, s’essayer au surf, discuter avec les habitants, rencontrer d’autres voyageurs et rouler.

Il est agréable de redécouvrir une végétation débordante ou les pluies tropicales on même rendu le nord de cet état marécageux.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Hi you two! Sorry to hear that your van caused you to change your plans and not do the big loop. I think you should be philosophical about it, perhaps it would have been too much driving. It sounds like you have been having a good time along the Murray anyway. Are you going to work in Queensland? it sounds like you haven't been doing any helpXing, I thought you might go back to Bimbi for a week or so. Some news about me, I became very bored at home and started looking for some more travel options, I did say last year that I wanted to do as much travelling this year as possible. I've been offered 2 helpxing opportunities in Italy, one in Portugal and one in France since I've been back, but I declined all of them because I've been offered a 3 month stay in Hawaii! Staying with a female artist, who want's some gardening work done and some help with an exhibition of work she has coming up the first week of August. She is going to visit her parents in California for the whole month of July and wants me to look after her house whilst she is gone. It's an offer I couldn't refuse so I'm flying off again in 3 weeks time. I'll keep checking to see how you are both doing and let you know how things are going with me. Keep safe and happy. Simon.