mardi 10 mars 2009

Incroyables oiseaux


Oiseau trapu de 45cm environ avec une grosse tête.
Il se nourrit de souris, petits mammiféres, gros insectes, lézard, petits oiseaux et de serpents.
Le plus étonnant c'est le cris qui ressemble un peu a celui d'un singe qui ricane.

Tawny Frogmouth

Oiseau de 34 à 52cm en moyenne. Nocturne, il se nourrit principalement de souris.
Sa particularité est de ressembler a une branche d'arbre morte.

2 commentaires:

JH a dit…

Bonjour Fanoola et Filpako, content de vous lire

esarempee a dit…

Hi! you 2. How are you and your alternative lifestyle in the Adelaide hills? It's my last day here in Sydney, my flight is at 4.00pm, I've had a great time here and for me Sydney is still the place to be in Australia. You have to get to know it, and it constntly reveals new places and things to see. Anyway, just to say I've managed to lose your email address already, so if you want me to send you some photos I took whilst at Bimbi park contact me, my address is I have just uploaded all of my pics onto my blog, you might be able to take what you want from there also. Well keep in touch, I'll be checking to see where you are and what you are doing from time to time. Be safe and simon.